The Final Report of The Constitution of Kenya review Commission

Show simple item record Constitution of Kenya review commission 2021-09-09T07:48:40Z 2021-09-09T07:48:40Z 2005
dc.description We, the Commissioners of Constitution of Kenya Review Commission are pleased to publish this final report on the work we were mandated to do. We listened very carefully to the views of Kenyans throughout the country. We have been touched by their stories and found much wisdom in their recommendations. We analyzed social, political. economic and constitutional developments in Kenya over the last four decades, and tried to imagine the future in which the new Constitution will operate. As mandated by the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission Act, we went around the country, between December 2001 and July 2002, to collect and collate the views of Kenyans of all walks of life concerning the issues they wanted addressed in the new Constitution. Although the information we assembled is vast, this report, and other publications of the Commission, is intended to make this information conveniently available to the public. The report is a condensed version of the verbatim reports in five volumes on the constitutional review process, which was a long, complex and arduous exercise. Part One consists of two introductory chapters, which record the stages of the negotiations that led to the establishment of the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission itself and provides background information on Kenya's main features. Part Two consists of four chapters; it discusses the country's constitutional development and the conduct of the reform process. Part Three, which forms two thirds of the report, is appropriately entitled "Views from the People". In order to make the presentation therein uniform, the fifteen substantive chapters (Seven to Twenty One) are each designed to provide the following information: (a) the mandate of the Commission relating to the chapter theme; (b) conceptual discussions of the subject matter addressed in the chapter; (c) presentation of how the current Constitution deals with that issue; (d) a brief analysis of how other countries deal with that issue; (e) a synopsis of what the people said; (f) a commentary on what the people said; followed by (g) recommendations. It is important to note that the main points made by Kenyans, on the basis of which specific recommendations were formulated by the Commission for its constitutional drafting exercise, are distinctly placed in several boxes within each chapter in this part. Part Four consists of eight chapters and is on the National Constitutional Conference, the penultimate stage of the Constitution review process; while Part Five provides a brief description of events after the National Constitutional Conference, which the Commission believes to be issues of public interest and should be recorded as part of the Constitution making process. The initial draft of this Report was prepared by the Research, Drafting and Technical Support Committee before finalization and approval by the Commission for publication. Backstopping assistance by way of research and logistical support was provided by the technical staff of the Research, Drafting and Technical Support Department of the Commission, consisting of: Ms. Pauline Nyamweya - Deputy Commission Secretary Research and Drafting Mr. Harrison Gicheru - Programme Officer, Legislative Drafting Mr. Jeremiah Nyegenye - Programme Officet Legislative Drafting Mr. Charles Oyaya - Programme Officer, Research Ms. Eunice Gichangi - Programme Officer, Research Mr. Walter Owuor - Programme Officer, Data Analysis Mr. Peter Kanyi - Programme Officer, Data Analysis Ms. Roselyn Nyamato - Programme Officer, Library Mrs. Patricia Mwangi - Programme Officer, Hansard Ms. Achieng'Olende - Programme Offrcer Mr. JoashAminga - Assistant Programme Officer, Library Mrs. Sarah K. Murithi Secretary Ms. Millycent Achieng' - Secretary Mrs. Mary L. A. Rado - Secretary We wish to acknowledge and thank the thousands of Kenyans, professional groups and institutions who offered their views freely and sincerely during the Commission's public hearings. We also wish to thank the delegates, observers and lobby groups who tirelessly participated at the National Constitutional Conference in discussing and adopting the Commission's Main Report and Draft Bill of 2002. Those views are the substance from which this Final Report of the Commission is derived. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mrs. Abida Ali-Aroni en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Final Report of The Constitution of Kenya review Commission en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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