Tribunal Appointed by the Parliamentary Service Commission to Review and Make Recommendations on the Terms and Conditions of Service for Members and Staff of the National Assembly

Show simple item record Tribunal Appointed by the Parliamentary Service Commission 2021-09-10T06:42:53Z 2021-09-10T06:42:53Z 2010
dc.description In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23 of the Parliamentary Service Commission Act, you, as Chairman of the Commission, first appointed the persons set out in Gazette Notice No. 698 dated 23rt January, 2009, and published in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol.CXI-No.9 also dated 23rd January, 2009, Annex “A", to be members of the Tribunal to Review- the Terms and Conditions of Service of Members and Employees of the National Assembly. They were: Akilano Akiwumi (Justice) (Rtd.) - Chairman) Karau Stephen (Dr.) Kivuti Connie (Mrs.) Oloo Aringo Peter Maneno Betty’ (Mrs.) Namasake Jason Rashid Abdullahi Hussein Dabalen Dominic Chirchir Joseph Nyaundi Kenneth - (Joint Secretary’) Irungu Muthoni Sara - (Joint Secretary Subsequently, by Gazette Notice No. 1394 dated 17th February, 2009, and published in the Kenya Gazette of 20"’ February, 2009, Vol.CXI-No.16, Annex “B”, you revoked the appointment of Oloo Aringo Peter and Rashid Abdullahi Hussein as Members of the Tribunal. You replaced them respectively, in Gazette Notice No. 1387 dated 17* February, 2009, and published in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol.CXI-No.15 also dated 17'*’ February, 2009, Annex “C”, with Farah Hussein Abdi and Asiyo Phoebe as Members of the Tribunal. You also by Gazette Notices Nos. 1740 and 1741 both dated 20,h February, 2009. Published in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol.CXI-No.17 of 23rd February, 2009. Annex "D". respectively, revoked the appointment of Nyaundi Kenneth as Joint Secretary of the Tribunal and replaced him as such, with Odongo Patrick Luna. What is worth noting about the diversity of the composition of the Members of the Tribunal and which reflects its comprehensiveness, is that apart from the Chairman of the Tribunal, the other eight Members of the Tribunal, are from each of the eight provinces of Kenya. The Members of the Tribunal as amended are as follows: Akilano Akiwumi (Justice) (Rtd.) - Chairman) Karau Stephen (Dr. i Kivuti Connie (Mrs.) Farah Hussein Abdi Maneno Betty (Mrs.) Namasake Jason Asiyo Phoebe (Mrs) Dabalen Dominic Chirchir Joseph Irungu Muthoni Sarah - (Joint Secretary) Odongo Patrick Lutta - (Joint Secretary) The Terms of Reference of the Tribunal, are set out in Gazette Notice No. 699 of 23rd January, 2009, and published in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol.CXI-No.9 also dated 23rd January, 2009, Annex “E”. This Gazette Notice also required the Tribunal to start its work immediately and to submit its Report within three months from the date of the first appointment of the Members of the Tribunal, namely, 23rd January, 2009. As you well know, the Tribunal was unable to commence working immediately from that date and consequently,, to submit its Report within three months, thereafter. We could not, however, begin our review process until 6th March, 2009, and our public hearings as from 18th March, 2009 when we were finally, provided by the Parliamentary Service Commission, with necessary and required secretarial and recording facilities as well as official work premises. It also became apparent that we Would not be able to complete our complicated assignment within three months from 23rd January, 2009. Indeed, as Chairman of the Parliamentary Service Commission, you admitted on 10th March, 2009, at the swearing in ceremony of Odongo Patrick Lutta, as Joint Secretary to the Tribunal, that it would take us four, and not three months, to successfully, discharge our assignment. The provision in Gazette Notice No. 699 of 23rd January, 2009, that the Tribunal should submit its Report within three months from the date of appointment, namely, 23rd of January, 2009, was, consequently, by Gazette Notice No. 4562 dated 5th May, 2009, and published in the Kenya Gazette of 8' May, 2009, Annex “F\ amended to extend the time when the Tribunal should submit its Report, from three to four and a half months, namely, by 6th June, 2009. This did not, however, take into account, the fact that though the Tribunal was appointed on 23rd January, 2009, it could not commence its work until 6th March, 2009. The Tribunal, therefore, sought a further extension of the time for the submission of its Report, which was extended to 31st August, 2009, by Gazette Notice No. 6670 dated 25th June, 2009, and published in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol.CXI-No.58 dated 26th June, 2009, Annex “G”. Due to the complexity and magnitude of the work of the Tribunal, the submission of its Report was extended to 15th October, 2009, and subsequently, by the Parliamentary Service Commission to 29th October, 2009. We have carried out and completed our task within the time at our disposal, after hearing oral presentations from the 295 presenters listed in Annex “H”, of whom, 11 are Members of the National Assembly, and after considering written presentations from the 70 presenters listed in Annex “I”, of whom, 7 are Members of the National Assembly. To achieve this, we received oral as well written presentations in Nairobi, Kakamega in the Western Province, Kisumu in the Nyanza Province, Eldoret and Nakuru in the Rift Valley Province, Nyeri in the Central Province, Embu in the Eastern Province, Garissa in the North Eastern Province and Mombasa in the Coast Province Eighteen Members of the National Assembly made written and oral presentations and four other Members of the National Assembly listed in Annex “J”, completed and submitted questionnaires. Initially, the Tribunal intended to hear public presentations only in the 8 Provincial Headquarters. It, however, became apparent that the high cost of local travel and accommodation expenses, may have contributed to the inability of some of the presenters to appear before the Tribunal. To ameliorate the effect of this difficulty, presentations were also heard at the following additional places namely, Turkana, Bungoma, Isiolo, Kuria and Mandera. Our foreign visits to Uganda and South Africa where we held discussions with the Speaker of Parliament of Uganda and officials of both Parliaments as well as those dealing with the terms and conditions of service of the members and staff of Parliament in those countries, were most valuable. We now have the honour, Hon. Mr. Speaker, to submit our Report to you and to thank you for the trust that you have bestowed on us. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Hon. (Rtd.) Mr. Justice A. M. Akiwumi en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Parliamentary Service Commission en_US
dc.subject Terms and Conditions en_US
dc.subject National Assembly en_US
dc.title Tribunal Appointed by the Parliamentary Service Commission to Review and Make Recommendations on the Terms and Conditions of Service for Members and Staff of the National Assembly en_US
dc.title.alternative VOL. I en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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